Wednesday, March 28, 2007

my little grace...

Live your life the fullest it can be. Don't let go of family, they're all you'll have left in your hardest moments. Don't loose sight of your dreams. Never lay them down for something immediate. The future is always in front of you, but so quickly it becomes today. Learn from your mistakes, but choose to learn from others more often. Guard your heart, don't give it away. When love finds you, don't let go and love with all your true and real. Don't let others hurt you; when you are hurt forgive quickly and move on. Take the smallest of moments, make them count for eternity. Give to others constantly; it will make you forget your own needs. The times you don't want to do something you're prompted to, are the most imminent moments - rise to the occasion. Listen to others; they'll give you life long advice. Follow your heart; it'll help you see your dreams come true. Live life knowing this moment is all you have. See the world and places you dream of. Love those you barely notice, notice those left to be unseen, find those hiding and give them a future. Give them your dreams. Be a good example at all times, people are watching when you don't realize they are. Teach others, but learn from them more. Let the past and your mistakes lie, create a new future. Be educated, charming, forgiving, loving, cultured... know there is a big world out there...without a fence to hold you back. Go where no one else is willing to...

"Yesterday is history, Tomorrow's a mystery. Today is a gift; that's why they call it 'the present'."
"Live like you were dyin'"


Unknown said...

I really like this...where did you get this from?

Unknown said...

Umm...I wrote it. lol...

Unknown said...

liar! it sounds very sounds like a poem I've read before...

Unknown said...

I WROTE IT! Doof! I wrote that...I wrote it to Grace...hence the title. lol... :)

Kinda like Carpe Diem!

Unknown said...

right...plagerisms are not an offense you want on your already long criminal