Monday, March 26, 2007

A Future Grasped

Excitement fills her as she thinks of the future. This new life that lay before her. He asked her! Finally her heart had what it wanted. Finally...he had what he wanted. Fear loomed at the edges of her mind, fear of finances, leaving her family...such distance..she put those things out of her mind. She focused on the excitement. But joy grew each moment from the time he said they were going to go...from the moment he said she was to be his. His! She couldn't believe he had asked her. A lifelong committment, a vow to stay true to each other. A new world lay the new fawns in Spring. Their eyes had opened slowly, with a long yawn. There had been a look about them, to settle their surroundings. Then they had established the future. A new life, such a beautiful gift. There was exploring to be had; a new home, a new city, a new people. New friends! Changes were coming so fast as the plans came together. A wedding, a long drive, school, a new home...and most importantly... love. She never expected to find love with him. He was her friend, her companion. Then he asked. When the words came from his mouth, she felt peace. She knew she loved him completely. She sighed as she looked at him once again. Her heart smiled as she saw light in him, the future, a future that was amazing and uncharted. A future all their own.


Unknown said...

are you moving?

Unknown said...

No, not moving. Stayin in MN...this is someone else. Someone else's experience. :)

Unknown said...

is it joyas?

Unknown said...

No... Mr. Nosy! It is someone you know...but until her story is settled...I'm not dishin! :D

Unknown said...

lol...I'm just looking out for my amiga...was wondering if I need to bring my beat down weapon in June to help a friend out