Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Believing for a miracle, yet we see none. She's only four and her life's just begun. Fearful of what is happening, how can this be? It seems as though You are just letting things be. Under the knife the doctors say. Yet each day we hope and pray. Still there's nothing; all we feel is emptiness and pain. Each day passing, time moving like a fast train. Our hearts breaking, she can't take much more. The time for a miracle has flown right out the door.

He lived his life for You. To family and friends he bid adieu. Sacrificed everything and flew across the oceans far. Living with the lowly and in the worst of places by far. Yet one day they saw him talking and heard the words he spoke. Amongst screams and tears all anyone saw was the gun smoke. A life given, then taken so swift. The impact he left, none can shift.

So many lives taken in those moments of time. They flew our planes, over our country, on our dime. Into buildings and into the countryside. So many lives affected, thousands of people died. Fear gripped our nation. Yet we drew back to the country's great foundation. Binding together and growing stronger. Angered we decided we can't take this any longer. Sending our men and women to fight. Even more lives has been lost in this great plight.

Why do these things happen? How can they persist? We can never understand why war and bloodshed exists? No good comes of it, nothing but wrong. Lives stretched and heartbreak continuing on for so long. Are You allowing it? Where is Your hand. Torture, fear and pain do You permit? There's not much more we can stand.

Monday, July 30, 2007

You Want Me to Read Your Mind?

How can you expect me to read your mind, and know all you're thinking and the expectations you given me? How can you assume...anything when you've said nothing? These expectations laid out before us, yet I haven't a clue what they truly are. I can start to make guesses at what you've conjured up, but then I get more frustrated. I find it funny how a thousand things come to mind to say; yet why should I say anything when you've said nothing at all? You get angry and it starts to make me mad. These ridiculous circles, games played out like children. Why can't you get the nerve to speak your mind; because then I could live my life? I feel as though you've thrown our friendship down the drain, but I'm the one who had to make the choice to act upon it. You've set me up, set me up to lose you as a friend. And it all because you can't even say what's inside your head.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A Fork In The Road

You've lived your life waiting, waiting to be that one. Now you're going to throw it all away, saying your done. Your impatience is the key, the cause of your faltering. You can't pretend it isn't true, you can't pretend it's really you. Love you can and love you must; but this isn't real love you can't fool us. Everyone excited, everyone looking for the reality; but there's none, none for any of us to see. Now we're floating, moving quickly to the finality. Life seems as though it's a dream, like we're flowing down a foggy stream. What can be said? Who can forebode what is ahead? The rest is up to you...two paths - change the future or go through and suffer the wrath. The future to you nothing, living as you please, in your hand lies the keys. You've lived your life, now you must walk away or make her your wife.

As painful as it may be; the choice, to us, seems clarity.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Sacrifice Easily Forgotten

How can you avoid them when they walk in the room? You give them your looks of disdain, uncomfort and disgust. They have given their lives, time and, for most, everything they once had. You see their aberrations with fear and bashfulness, yet they smile at you with joy and sacrifce of pride. All self respect due to the life they gave for you. Stumbling about, struggling with the smallest of tasks or living a life of depression and fear, they gave their American dream up for yours. Their lives a complete antipode of what it once was. Living in the darkest of places, without sleep or food, missing their family and loved ones for many months, seeing others around them die or wounded just before a painful deteriment of their own. Living as though they have the best place in the world, living as though others don't avoid or treat with unnecessary illease, they live each day to the fullest. Loving wholeheartedly, giving and never asking for anything in return, knowing today may be the last.
Honor those who have sacrificed courageously for the very breath you breathe. Never forget the freedom you have is faught for each day.


Thursday, July 12, 2007

Enjoy the Moment

Enjoy the moments of life. Sit and enjoy coffee with a good friend, or sister. Don't rush through it. Go to a concert and savor every word, not sitting anxiously awaiting your favorite song or two. Love the kisses and hugs from your baby, because all too soon he'll be twelve and run from your affection. Smell the roses, so cliche, but how often do you truly do it? Schedule time for you, schedule an hour for reading a book. Watch the sunset, otherwise it'll just grow dark around you without any notice of your surroundings. Get up early and go for a run. Watch the sun as is makes it's glorious entrance to the world; dancing it's rays on the morning dew, the leaves and flowers smiling back. All while the sun sings "Good morning!" Enjoy school and glean all you can from it, your chance to learn unabashed, for far too soon it'll all be over and you'll face the "real world." Love your job, when retirement comes you want to know it was all for something. Tell the ones you love, you do. They'll be gone far too soon and far too quickly. Love like there is no tomorrow. Always give because giving comes back around. Never hold back, be the real you. If you keep the you inside hidden, no one will know who to love. Smile today, because it's the only one you'll ever have and if you haven't smiled it will be a day wasted.

Monday, July 9, 2007

You Woke Up This Morning

You woke up today...wondering when things had gotten away. You've lost sight of who you are, wanted to be and where you are headed for eternity. It's almost as if you are 1000 miles away from what you wanted, everything taken forgranted. With no clue how you got there, the pain almost too much to bear. You know who made you get to this point, now looking back they've done nothing but dissapoint. The journey seems lost to you now, and why that is you'll never truly know how. The real YOU is strong and has great will to pull through, but now it seems you can't find you. Now you must pick up and move on, and get back to being you, to being strong. It's so easy to sit down and let life hold you back, to keep you from staying on track. The road less traveled hard to choose, but if you don't there's so much you'll loose. Now it's time to push through and make your own path, expect to see others angry and feel their wrath. But life is all you have to live, so never allow anything to keep you from all it has to give.