Friday, January 19, 2007

World of Snow

Snow falls once again. This white fills the world with wonder. Have you ever noticed how the snow tends to fall in the late afternoon or during the night? The night sky seems to radiate light when during a snow storm. It can't become dark any longer. There seems to be this glow, this beam of light coming from...coming from nowhere. A cold chill fills the air, yet the cold seems warmer when snow is falling. It is as though the snow brings warmth. Then there is a stand still. The stillness of the snow falling. It almost seems as if the world, as if life holds its breath, holds its breath in awe of the new snow. Waking up and looking out to a whole different world, a different view outside your window is magical. There is this unbelieving moment of awe, the change that happened when you weren't looking. One moment a world of brown ugliness, quite depressing in fact. Then another moment in time there is the brilliance that shines from outside. Almost as if the world is washed white, a cleansing from the dirt, darkness and harships is seems to have gone through. Trees have become dormant, grass has died and the flowers have fallen. The death is no longer prominent, but this white covers it all. Life seems to radiate among the deadness of winter. Bunnies run and bounce about in the snow. They seem to find as much fun as a young child in the white that surrounds. Birds fly around once again chirping and enjoying the beauty below them. Just for the few moments as I stare out the window, I see that life can be transformed. Much like my life which twists and changes in mere moments of time. Life can be cleansed, changed and renewed in a few moments of time. Snow can create a shift in the atmosphere, a metamorphosis from dull to bright and from dead to life.

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