Thursday, February 7, 2008

Falling From the Mountain

Have you ever had a day where it felt like everything was just falling apart. As if you were standing upon a mountain top and the snow beneath you begins to fall. It never starts as this huge collapse - it starts with a few snowballs, pieces of snow cascade down the mountain. Then it turns into sheets of snow. Like silk white sheets of the mountain bed slowly sliding to the valley floor beneath, slipping slowly at first and then crumbling all together in one mass. Slipping off like water falling through the cracks of the mountain. You're standing there, upon this mountain that rises with eminence; great wonder and power of the bluff envelopes you. And there you feel so small, just watching this snowfall beneath your feet waiting for the ground beneath you to move. Anticipating the inevitable. You can feel the terrain you're upon begins to slip and you begin to fall.
Have you felt like your life was falling apart like that? These little things become awry and then it seems as if large parts follow right with it. It all seems to come to shambles at one time. As if life and the world we live in is set to self destruct in unison. WE can't even life in unison, only the 'bad' can. It works together trying to pick at and destroy your life, destroy who you are.
Then, then what do you do? Fight back? Walk away? Give up? Turn to someone else?

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