Sunday, January 6, 2008

Was I Not Good Enough?

Is that what it was? Was I not good enough? You never spoke highly of me. You never told anyone about me. You avoided talking about me when you were on the phone with family and friends. Your parents thought I was just another person, just another story along your road of fortunities. I was just me. But then, I wasn't allowed to be ME. I had to be a secret, this myth they'd heard of, but was never vaidated. Even our friends, people you were close to, thought lies...they thought those lies you'd allowed them to perceive. No, it wasn't that you had lied, it was that you hadn't spoken the truth. The amazing part of it, those who knew the truth, thought you were ridiculous and crazy for not singing praises and shouting the truth to not only your family but the world. Now I wonder where I failed. I wonder what I must have done wrong, what I must have been that was so wrong. What were my shortcomings, failures and demerits? Where did I not fit the mold, that you said I so greatly fit. What was it that I possessed so wrongfully, where did I miss the criterion? Why am I now left feeling so lacking, so completely below par?

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