Monday, July 30, 2007

You Want Me to Read Your Mind?

How can you expect me to read your mind, and know all you're thinking and the expectations you given me? How can you assume...anything when you've said nothing? These expectations laid out before us, yet I haven't a clue what they truly are. I can start to make guesses at what you've conjured up, but then I get more frustrated. I find it funny how a thousand things come to mind to say; yet why should I say anything when you've said nothing at all? You get angry and it starts to make me mad. These ridiculous circles, games played out like children. Why can't you get the nerve to speak your mind; because then I could live my life? I feel as though you've thrown our friendship down the drain, but I'm the one who had to make the choice to act upon it. You've set me up, set me up to lose you as a friend. And it all because you can't even say what's inside your head.

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