Thursday, July 12, 2007

Enjoy the Moment

Enjoy the moments of life. Sit and enjoy coffee with a good friend, or sister. Don't rush through it. Go to a concert and savor every word, not sitting anxiously awaiting your favorite song or two. Love the kisses and hugs from your baby, because all too soon he'll be twelve and run from your affection. Smell the roses, so cliche, but how often do you truly do it? Schedule time for you, schedule an hour for reading a book. Watch the sunset, otherwise it'll just grow dark around you without any notice of your surroundings. Get up early and go for a run. Watch the sun as is makes it's glorious entrance to the world; dancing it's rays on the morning dew, the leaves and flowers smiling back. All while the sun sings "Good morning!" Enjoy school and glean all you can from it, your chance to learn unabashed, for far too soon it'll all be over and you'll face the "real world." Love your job, when retirement comes you want to know it was all for something. Tell the ones you love, you do. They'll be gone far too soon and far too quickly. Love like there is no tomorrow. Always give because giving comes back around. Never hold back, be the real you. If you keep the you inside hidden, no one will know who to love. Smile today, because it's the only one you'll ever have and if you haven't smiled it will be a day wasted.

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