Monday, July 16, 2007

Sacrifice Easily Forgotten

How can you avoid them when they walk in the room? You give them your looks of disdain, uncomfort and disgust. They have given their lives, time and, for most, everything they once had. You see their aberrations with fear and bashfulness, yet they smile at you with joy and sacrifce of pride. All self respect due to the life they gave for you. Stumbling about, struggling with the smallest of tasks or living a life of depression and fear, they gave their American dream up for yours. Their lives a complete antipode of what it once was. Living in the darkest of places, without sleep or food, missing their family and loved ones for many months, seeing others around them die or wounded just before a painful deteriment of their own. Living as though they have the best place in the world, living as though others don't avoid or treat with unnecessary illease, they live each day to the fullest. Loving wholeheartedly, giving and never asking for anything in return, knowing today may be the last.
Honor those who have sacrificed courageously for the very breath you breathe. Never forget the freedom you have is faught for each day.'','int775x540','width=775,height=540');

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