Monday, May 14, 2007

My Little Bit of Hope

It shimmered brightly and all too deviously for quite some time. Sitting there, catching my eye too often. That small glimmer of hope that was left. It lay dormant, but it was still there. I held on to it and stored it quite deep. Hiding it, so no one would know...yet it danced at the front of my mind all the time. I tried to make it go away; I tried not to think about it, but there it was teasing me. It made me smile, it made me wish and think of what could be. My hold of it tight, keeping it tucked deeply so it wouldn’t get lost.
Now it's vanished in a mere moment of time. Slipped out of my grasp, gone forever. The door slammed shut. I stood there frozen, stunned! I heard the lock slip into place, with a click so loud it made me jump. And the key thrown so far I never quite heard it land at its final resting place. Now I long for my bit of hope back. I long to hold on a while longer. I’m not ready to let go. Wishing I hadn’t let it slide away without my knowing. But it’s settled. It's settled in my heart, though I fear what I'll be left with. Nothing. Without my hope to hold. Without that shiny piece of maybe, maybe it will be. But maybe isn't what I can live with. I can't stick with just a bit of hope. I need more reality.

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