Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Men! Confused? Yeah, me too

I'm just trying to understand men, impossible feat yes, but at least I'll try, right?

1. Why is it that the male species don't call for days...even a couple weeks. Then they call outta the blue and act like nothin. Not that it's a huge deal when you aren't serious or anything, but wouldn't a little effort be nice? Couldn't you text me every couple days? Or email me just to say hey. Or stop by with coffee and muffins. Or maybe try to plan to see each other a bit out. Wouldn't a little showing that you are interested be ideal? HUH??? Cuz I'm about to walk away and forget you just short of a week...only due to my #2 - see below

2. Or they decide they don't want to be involved (or like you, or don't want to be in a relationship, or deal with life or WHATEVER!) and just


Stop calling. Stop emailing. Stop texting. Stop coming around. Just stop.

A dead stop at that. Almost like you hang out one evening and the next day they don't call, then the next, the next, the next....and so on. No, not almost - it is like that. You're talking one day and then it seems like the door slammed in your face and you weren't even knocking on it!

WTF????? I'm confused? Do you not have a pair? And can you not call and SAY something. It'd be nice to at least know SOMETHING. :) Can anyone help me out in this region? Cuz I thought there were some nice ones, but it seems that the nice ones pull these stunts more than the complete jerk offs.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hmmm...questions of the universe you's guys? we don't call a lot of times...sometimes it out of laziness and being a jerk, sometimes it's sincerely to give a girl her space (about 2% of the time this true), and the other times it's out of forgetfulness, like me, I forgot to watch the office the other night?! and that is my favoritess show in the whole earth! I actually cried myself to sleep after I realized I had done that...well no, but i did have a lot of remorse for forgeting the showtime! I track mind...

hey it could be worse...all guys could be like me and you'd have 13 facebook messages a day and atleast half a dozen text each day...

I guess this could be encouragement persay...although don't use it as a perscription everytime ;) sorry to hear that guys suck...atleast you still have good guy friends like me and daniel...unless I'm the ones that didn't call and text?...not sure this week I'm so out of my friends cool...hope guys in your life wise up! you're too good of person to be treated badly...have a great day...