Friday, February 9, 2007

a love uncomparable

I've been in love before...and I have loved my family...but there is no love like loving a brand new baby. I'm sure plenty of you have seen "A Baby Story" on TLC. You see the mother go through anguish, frustration and most of all unbearable pain. Then the TV seems to radiate bliss and an immense amount of love. It's almost as if you can assimilate all the excitement and sentiment going on.

It is astounding to watch on TV, but to see a new life begin in person is remarkable. The mother wants so desperately to birth the child, a task so greatly instinct one cannot describe it, yet must bear seemingly endless pain. But the mother will endure almost anything to see the tast through.

The child is born and it seems as if all time stops - there are these few moments when a minute is no longer limited to sixty seconds. The little life searches for comfort and warmth trying to distinguish the world they have burst into. The smell of a new baby is forever etched in one's mind - not the smell of a dirty diaper - the smell of softness, life, love and strangely, it is as if you can smell their innocence.

This is when love comes in. The love you feel rushes up like water bubbling in a brook. The love is uncontainable. The new life you wish to protect, guide and more than anything cherish forever. They need you and you need them. In this world we live in a new baby is to be apprized. Their sweetness and innocence a high commodity we must hold on to for as long as possible.

To love a new child is to love oneself before we were ruined, before we had lost all the preciousness of life, innocence and love.

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