Thursday, November 2, 2006

Saying Goodbye

I stand here to say goodbye to you. I am watching you leave with him. You are so alone yet he stands right next to you. Life has turned upside down. Everything you once knew has now changed. All that you have felt and shared with him has been lost. Your love, your life, your comfort has been stolen from you. Stronger today than yesterday you must be. The guide and bearer of life you have now become. He smiles, yet we don't see the man that was. He's no longer the friend, the father, the lover and advisor, now he must be led. Steady you are, not wavering on the outside. But inside your heart breaks, you don't know what to do or where to turn. Boldness must arise, strength not your own. You must rely on Him and not yourself. A woman unlike any other, a life so amazing. You are astounding, you are the figure of all a woman should be. He turns to you and smiles, you take his hand. Today is a new day, today you will cherish the few moments when you see him. Those moments when you see a glimpse of the past. Today you are stronger. Goodbye I say, yet I wish you weren't going alone. Although alone you won't be, for He shall be by your side.

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