Sunday, July 30, 2006

Compromise Doesn't Mean Compromising Who You ARE

Every relationship takes compromise. Takes sacrifice. "Give and take" a little. It's a two-way street. Relationships take work and that means to not focus on the small things and allow room for mistakes, they will happen.

But when have you compromised too much? When are you compromising who you are? When have you sacrificed so much you may loose sight of who you started out to be?

Don't sacrifice who you are for the other person. So you like to eat sushi? Chow down, just take a girlfriend you rarely get to see. Is she deathly afraid of heights? Make your buddy go sky diving with you, she'll forgive you (although, I wouldn't! I'll be your sky diving buddy!!). Don't give up things you like to do or eat for the other person. Keep on being who you are, just don't push the other person to become like you.

Compromise means the things in everyday life, not changing who you are; the toilet seat, the movie you watch tonight or who's family to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas with. Don't compromise what you believe for the best guy around, it probably isn't a healthy relationship. So she's gorgeous?, don't give up God because she doesn't believe there is one. That's when you aren't yourself anymore.

Why would you ever want to push the person to be something that you want? Didn't you like the person when you first met them? Allow people to be who they are, love them for their individuality.

Why try to fit a mold of something they want you to be? Compromising who you aren't isn't compromising in a relationship. Sacrificing watching your favorite TV show because their band has "a gig" at the local blues bar. Or running to the mall because there's "a huge sale on jeans", as if she doesn't have a 1000 pairs already!

Compromising is the best thing you'll learn. Maybe you will head to a new city or try a new ice cream flavor or ride a bull. Whatever it is, compromise is a necessity in life.

Just don't compromise who you are.

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