Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Over the past few weeks I have been thinking back to Grace’s first few years and the funny things she would do. She was definitely a ham! So, I made a short list of my favorites… just so I could remember them for her high school graduation and her wedding.

When she was year-old my mum, Grace and I were in the car heading to my parents house in the evening. Grace typically went to be at least by 7 PM. That girl needed as much sleep as possible! We were out "late" and it had become dark outside… which Grace rarely ever saw! Grace turned to me and politely asked, “Linny, can you turn the dark off please?”

Conversation between Grace and my mum: Grace – “So-&-So is FAT.” Mum – “Oh, really? … … How does that make you feel?” Grace – “I LIKE it!!” Truly appearance isn't all that is important to a child!

Grace and my mum came to visit me while I lived in Texas. She was just over a year and half and knew how to grab anyone’s attention! One morning she and my mum walked into my office to visit while I was working. While talking with several of my co-workers Grace began to walk around very hunched over with her hands clasped behind her back. Finally, someone asked her what she was doing. Practically, Grace answered, “Walking around like an old lady.” Clearly, she spend a LOT of time with my Grandma Brown and her friends!

One day when Grace was 4, Jackson was 2 and Emilie was 1, Cari and I took them to the Eden Prairie Mall. The kids were playing in this laser light game-thingy while Cari and I sat and chatted. We were only sitting a few feet away and overhead a conversation between Grace and a six-something-year-old woman. The woman kept asking if they were having a nice time playing together. Grace and Jack responded, “Yes.” The woman then asked Grace if she enjoyed playing with her brother and sister. Grace said, “No, they’re my nephew and niece.” To which the woman insisted, “You mean your brother and sister? Or maybe your cousins.” Again, Grace adamantly said, “No, they’re my nephew and niece.” The woman once again corrected her. This argument went back and forth several times. Finally, Cari and I stood up and said, “Actually, she is correct. They are her nephew and niece.” The woman shook her head and walked away. I looked at Cari and said, “Her fault for fighting with a 3-year-old!” Poor Grace, this happens soooo often! But the question is, why do people fight with a child they don’t even know?!

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