Saturday, February 16, 2008


...only makes an, well we know the saying, out of Not me. Once you've assumed and come to conclusions, you don't seem to care to know the truth. You've got your theories and ideas, you've written a novel and suggestions of what it may be. But its not. Its not the truth at all, you have conjured up quite the story inside your head. Your idea of the truth is, sadly, far past misconstrued. I fear that you've let what others said, the lies and deception they played, find a place inside your head. Now your heart has followed, you begun to live the life of "taking the high road" when it was never the low road to begin with. Its amazing all they've told ME, thinking I would want to know; continuing the gossip and angry things they said. Your friends, they said once they were; now they come running, wanting me to know the "truth". First thought in my head, I don't have a concern with what you've spoken. My life I live, my own to keep or ruin, to live aware or broken. I fear for you, for the place you've arrived at - living with the lies. I tried to stop it - I warned him of HIS own words. Now you've become angry, quite revengeful and bitter.

But the best part of it're a better Christian. Such a great person. Good thing I have Christ to save me, right?

Or rather -It is a good thing I am open and honest before my Christ, knowing He sees the good in me and my potential. But mostly, that He loves the bad and corrects the things I need to change. That I allow Him to have full reign...

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