Sunday, October 15, 2006

Love That I Need

Why do you withhold your love from me? Why don't you share what you feel? My heart is briming with love that can't go anywhere. I can't give my love not to be loved. I can't share how much I care.

Sweet kisses, smiles, and touches make our love. Oh your love so sweet, but fear so great that keeps our hearts from going where they should.

My heart yearns, breaks to be with you. Your love apart of my life, that is held back without reason. Afraid of the future, I am, but more afraid of what you won't give.

I need you in my life, I need your passions, your life, your love. I need you. I need to understand your heart and dreams.

I love so deeply. I love uncontrolably. I care so greatly. You make me feel whole, you make me want more, you make me appreciate life. But I need your love given back to me. I need all of you.

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